Friday 6 December 2013

Unit Conclusion

I have thoroughly enjoyed this project. I found learning about the Elizabethans extremely interesting, as I had never given them much thought, besides the little bit if Elizabethan history I'd done at school. I have been amazed however, at how much of the Elizabethans are still alive in today's society, and how much Queen Elizabeth influenced Britain, both then and today.

This project has really made me start to look at everything differently, and I wish I had explored certain ideas and views a little bit more. I also wish I had made better use of other resources, but I do really look forward to the next project however and I look forward to experimenting more, with ideas and developing my makeup technical skills furthur, and seeing how I can build on the experience I have gained from this project both skill wise, but also with organisation.

My Final Design

Here are the images of my final design. I am really happy with how the look turned out, and I think it is easy to identify it as a contemporary Elizabethan look. 

My Partners Final Design

Here are the final images of Terri-Anne's design. Both Terri-Anne and I were really pleased with how it turned out. It was a really well thought out design and the makeup and hair work brilliantly together. 

Practising my Look

Terri-Anne and I practised and tweaked my design a few times before the assessment. When practising the makeup, I think Terri-Anne struggled a little initially, to get the softness and intensity of colour around the eyes. Once I showed her which brushes I had found best to do the look on myself, and how to build the eyeshadow pigment it worked a lot better. She also seemed to struggle a little bit with the lips, as she was worried about getting the definition with such a bright colour, but once I explained that I wanted to lips to be slightly more diffused around the edges she was fine with them. We experimented with different lips, firstly trying out "Lady Danger" by MAC, which looked a bit too red. Next we tried using "Lady Danger" just on the centre of the lip and blotting it down, but it still did not look right. We then tried "Le Orange" by YSL, and it was amazing how such a subtle change of colour completely altered the look. "Le Orange" is slightly less red than "Lady Danger", but still had a beautiful red tone to it.

Practising my Partners Look

Terri-Anne's final look was fairly easy to do. She kept it really simple, and it was really effective in conveying the Elizabethan details.
For her eyes, she originally wanted to use "Electrum" from the Illamasqua liquid metal palette on the eyelid, and then buffing a lighter gold/yellow around and up to the brow bone to create an almost ombre effect. When we tried this in the studio however we applied the liquid metal first, but it dried really quickly and therefore became really difficult to blend. We then decided to apply the light colour first all over the lid and intensify it with the liquid metal afterwards.

Then with the eyebrows, she originally wanted to leave them bare as they are naturally fair, but we thought it could be an interesting contemporary twist to add an orange line to the brow. We experimented with putting the line on the top or the bottom of the brow and eventually decided to use orange lipstick on a mascara wand and just tip the ends of the hairs with orange. 

The rest of the look was fairly easy to create, and we swapped the lipstick colour from the pinky red colour she had chosen, to "Lady Danger" by MAC, as it has vibrant orange tones to it and would reflect the colour in the brows.

Friday 22 November 2013

Who are the New Elizabethans? My Opinion:

A New Elizabethan is someone who has had a great impact on society today and changed something in some way- much like Queen Elizabeth herself did.  Below I have listed 3 people who I strongly believe to be New Elizabethans because of the impact they have had on society. 

Vivienne Westwood

Vivienne Westwood is a New Elizabethan, because I believe she has had such a huge impact not only on British Fashion but British culture, over the past 30 years.
Starting out very small, as a primary school teacher in London, went on to designing jewellery to sell in Portobello Road in London. She then met Malcolm McLaren and they opened up their famous shop ‘Sex’ on the Kings Road in London. It is here that her career truly took off, as she designed and sold clothes that pushed the social boundaries of the time.  She was right at the forefront of the London Punk scene and sold clothes that were garish, sexually charged and extremely eccentric and completely designed to shock people. She is quoted saying "I was messianic about punk, seeing if one could put a spoke in the system in some way".
She is extremely bold with her views on everything from fashion to politics and has a refreshing no-nonsense attitude that is so similar to Queen Elizabeth I. Designer Jasper Conran was quoted saying “Vivienne’s effect on other designers has been slightly like a laxative. Vivienne does and others follow”. She has dominated the world of fashion, and is a well known political activist. This was well showcased in her 1989 cover of Tatler magazine, where she dressed up as Margaret Thatcher in a suit Margaret Thatcher was waiting for.  


Beyonce is without a doubt one of the most influential people of the past decade. The likeness between her and Queen Elizabeth I is remarkable. She is an absolute “modern day feminist”, and her songs and entire image are about female empowerment, monogamy, sexuality and love. Throughout her obviously public career, her love life has remained very private, until she married Jay Z, lending her the same wholesome, virtuous image of Queen Elizabeth. She has millions of followers around the world, from all ages who look to her for guidance on everything from fashion and style to living their lives in general.
Similar to Queen Elizabeth, Beyonce went through a transformation of her image. Starting off as a singer in Houston, Texas she went on to sing in Destiny’s Child, before taking off on her solo career to become the mega star she is today. She created her alter-ego “Sascha Fierce”, and this is the mask she presents when on stage. She has a huge amount of power in the world of pop culture, and has been dubbed as “Queen B”, a title she showcased in her Elizabethan inspired advert for her Mrs Carter World tour. The fact that the advert was such a huge success shows just how well the world responds to the idea of her as a new Elizabethan.

Anna Wintour

Anna Wintour is one of the most famous icons of fashion in the world. As the editor-in chief of American Vogue since 1988, she is one of the most influential figures in fashion history. The fact that she is best known for her over-sized sunglasses, bob hairstyle, and “chilly demeanour”, reminds me so much of Queen Elizabeth who had her trademark red hair, pale skin and untouchable image, yet related to so many people. She transformed Vogue magazine from a magazine aimed at wealthy, leisure loving women, to a magazine directed at the modern woman- fast paced,  independent executives who earned their own money and were not afraid to speak their opinions.  She has such an amazing understanding of what the industry needs, at the right time, and makes brilliant, fearless decisions constantly. She was the one who ended the ‘Supermodel era’, for example. She started favouring celebrities for the cover of her magazine over models. She was also the first to mix low-end fashion with high fashion in her magazine. It is this kind of thinking and decision making that makes me consider her a true Elizabethan. She is fearless, independent and knows what is right for her ‘people’, just like Queen Elizabeth did. What I love most about Anna Wintour being a new Elizabethan is that she influences everyone, even if they are not avid fashion followers. The following clip from the 2006 film ‘The Devil wears Prada’, which was based on Wintour herself best describes this.

Thursday 21 November 2013

Technical Post: Elizabethan Makeup

To create our Elizabethan look we used:

-Illamasqua Rich Liquid Foundation in 100
-Illamsaqua Loose Powder in 010
-Illamasqua Velvet Blusher in Tremble
-Illamasqua Matt Primer

1. I started off by applying the base. I mixed the primer and the foundation on the back of the hand and buffed it into the skin, as it was easier to blend this way.
2. I then took some foundation on a mascara wand, and combed it through the eyebrows, so that they where whited out.
3. Once the foundation was even and well blended, I applied the powder, using a puff, pressing it onto the skin, as I wanted a really matte finish and an almost caked on look, for a more Elizabethan feel.
4. Next, using a blusher brush I applied the blusher, just to the apples of the cheeks. We really wanted to create the round, rosy blusher, rather than blended up to the temples like we see today.
5. Then, on a smaller brush I took the same blusher and applied it to the lips to add some colour.
6. I then took some foundation on a mascara wand, and coated the eyelashes.

This was a really good look to create as it gave me a good feel of just how different the Elizabethan makeup was from today's makeup looks. I found the foundation extremely difficult to blend, as it was very easy to see normal skin through if it was not even. This made me think that this was yet another reason they layered on so much of their foundation back in the Elizabethan times. I also blended my blusher a tiny bit too high up the cheekbones, and it is amazing how such a tiny technical application can make the difference between period and contemporary.