Tuesday 12 November 2013

Inspirations for my Final Look


The above images from Harpers Bazaar Vietnam have really inspired me towards my final makeup look. I love the way the coppery gold eyeshadow is blended around the eye, as I think it is a lovely contemporary twist on the nude eyes they had in Elizabethan times. In the second picture particularly I love how the makeup is very soft, dewy, fresh and feminine against the harsh structured outfit. The outfit reminds me of armour and the texture appears very stiff, where the makeup all seems to flow, as it is beautifully blended.

I think I would like to use gold eyeshadow in my final look because I love the texture that is created from a shimmery gold shadow, and it would be a beautiful contrast against a paler face.

I came across the next two images on Instagram. They inspired me to create a strong brow for my look, as a strong brow is extremely contemporary, and is a contrast to the arched, over-plucked eyebrows that were so popular during the Elizabethan times.

This image is a perfect representaion of how I would like my skin to look in my final look. I have been really drawn to the pale skin of Elizabethan makeup throughout the project, and I love how the rest of the makeup contrasts against it so strongly. For my final look however, I would like to lighten my natural foundation, rather than go for a full white base, to achieve a pale look, as my natural skin tone is quite warm.

This is a look that I created about 2 years ago for a friends photoshoot. The idea that I had was actually a doll-inspired look, but now that I look at it again, it is a very contemporary Elizabethan look as well. One of my favourite parts of this look was the eyelashes on the bottom lashes. This is something I would like to incorporate into my final look, as I think it gives a really contemporary twist and it gives the eyes a really dramatic feel.

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